Neighborhood Improvement Support

people gardeningHomeowners within some areas of the City have formed neighborhood associations for the purpose of finding solutions to common concerns, and joining forces in making their neighborhoods better places to live. Various City departments, including Community Services, Planning and Police, serve these neighborhoods by attending neighborhood association meetings and acting as liaisons for neighborhood support. The end goal being that residents will feel empowered to voice their concerns about issues impacting their neighborhoods, and take the proactive steps necessary to create desired change.

The City of Florence has also taken an active interest in neighborhood improvement by helping to generate a Neighborhood Action Plan and a Neighborhood Revitalization Strategy for some of the most challenged neighborhoods surrounding Downtown. Since February 2012, the City has worked with several neighborhood groups in order to determine the residents' issues and concerns.  Numerous meetings were held over time with those having a vested interest in neighborhood revitalization. Thoughts and desires captured during these meetings have culminated into City Council passing the Neighborhood Revitalization Strategy on December 8, 2014.  

For more information regarding neighborhood revitalization and/or neighborhood associations please visit Neighborhood Planning.