Lease Spaces

The City Center Market and Kitchen site offers three tenant spaces situated on the Plaza. The spaces are intended for producers who are ready for private rather than shared production space. These entrepreneur tenant spaces provide the small business community the hard-to-find next step space for growing their local foods businesses. Tenants are also encouraged to participate in the weekly City Center Farmers Market.

The 11' x 22' spaces are unfurnished but flooring, wall-coverings, and infrastructure have been selected for culinary-based production businesses. Tenants may lease these spaces on annual terms for up to four years, and they may be assisted in developing a transition plan by the Francis Marion University Kelley Center for Economic Development.
For details about leases, up-fit grants, and rent rates, contact the City of Florence City Center Market at
"Made in Florence, South Carolina" is easier to achieve than ever before. 

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City Center Market