Boards & Commissions Descriptions


To make recommendations on the expenditure of revenue generated from the accommodations tax.


The advisory committee consists of 7 members.


The majority of the advisory committee shall consist of members selected from the hospitality industry of the municipality or county receiving the revenue. At least two of the hospitality industry members must be from the lodging industry where applicable. One member shall represent the cultural organizations of the municipality or county receiving the revenue.


3-year terms


2-3 times during the summer months


The Commission is empowered to acquire such sites, by purchase or lease, and erect such sheds and buildings and such other facilities as in its judgment are suitable for the display and sale of agricultural products, including dairy and poultry products, prepared foods, meats and livestock.


This commission is composed of 6 members, with one appointed by City Council.


3-year terms.


This Board is intended to be the first step a citizen can take if they are aggrieved by either a particular zoning requirement or an interpretation of the zoning administrator.

The powers of the Board are as follows and are limited to three specific subject matter areas:

  1. Determining appeals from administrative decisions of the zoning administrator;
  2. Granting or denying of applications for variances;
  3. Granting or denying of applications for special exceptions.


This Board is composed of 7 members.


3-year terms.


The Board of Zoning Appeals meets on the fourth Thursday of each month


The Commission shall perform the functions of planning, establishing, developing, constructing, enlarging, improving, maintaining, equipping and operating the civic center.


This Commission shall consist of 11 voting members with 4 members being residents of the City of Florence, appointed by City Council. The Florence City Mayor, or their Council designee, with the approval of Council, shall also serve as a voting member.


Members may serve no more than 2, 4-year terms. The term of office for the Mayor shall be perpetual to the person holding that position.


Supervise, control, operate, and maintain the Memorial Stadium and athletic field and any and all recreational activities upon said premises.


2 members are appointed by the Florence County Council upon the recommendation of the members by City Council.


5-year terms


This Board will hear appeals arising under the building code, the residential code, the electrical code, the fuel gas code, the plumbing code, the mechanical code, the fire code, the energy conservation code and the property maintenance code.


This Board will consist of 9 members appointed by the Mayor.


At all times, at least 4 members will be residents of the Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) area of the City of Florence

Membership on this board will consist of:

            1 – Architect
            1 – Engineer
            1 – Electrical contractor
            1 – General contractor
            1 – Mechanical contractor
            1 – Plumbing contractor
            3 – Laypersons who are residents of the city

With the exception of the laypersons, all of the members of the board shall be licensed by the state in their respective professions and shall have done a significant amount of business with the city in their respective professions so as to be familiar with the city’s code practices.


4-year terms.


The Design Review Board primarily reviews requests for the development and renovation of buildings located within the Historic Overlay Districts.


This Board shall consist of 10 members appointed by City Council.


At least 6 members on the Board shall be residents of the City of Florence.
Membership on this Board shall be composed of the following:
            1 – Professional Architect
            1 – Historian, knowledgeable in local history
            1 – Person either specifically qualified by reason of education, training, or experience in the financing of commercial and residential real property or in the areas of real estate
            1 – Person actively engaged in business, commerce, or industry
            1 – Commercial general contractor licensed by the State of South Carolina
            1 – Professional structural engineer
            1 – Person specifically qualified by reason of education, training, or experience in landscape design
            1 – At-large resident of the City of Florence
            2 – Persons actively engaged in business, commerce, or industry within the Downtown Central District


No more than 3, 4-year terms.


Meets on the second Wednesday of each month.


Members of this Authority adopt policies, act on financial matters of the Housing Authority and provide direction and guidance to the Executive Director of the Housing Authority.


The Housing Authority is composed of 7 members.


At least one of the commissioners appointed shall be a person who is directly assisted by the public housing authority, appointed by the Mayor.


5-year terms.


Serves in an advisory capacity to city council and appropriate city staff which have the goal of providing comprehensive cultural, social, educational, historical, physical activity, and leisure programs for city residents and for the establishment, maintenance, and beautification of all city owned parks and public rights-of-way.


The Commission is composed of 18 members with 6 of its members serving on a committee of the commission that shall be responsible for recommending all policies and procedures for activities at the Veterans Park to the commission.

Commission Members, Date of Term Expiration

  • Walter W. Sallenger,  2023
  • Michael Henderson, 2027
  • Cecil Edward Floyd, Jr., 2024
  • George Quinn Scipio, III, 2026
  • Simon Lee, 2023
  • Thomasina Elaine Foster, 2025
  • Darryl Mitchell, 2027
  • Phillip Scott Murphy, Jr., 2025
  • Sanovia Arceneaux, 2023
  • MaSabra S. Player, 2024
  • Anna Belk Wentzell, 2024
  • Roger A. Malfatti, 2024


5-year terms



The Veterans Park Committee shall have the principle responsibility to assist the city in the development of the rules and regulations for the use and conduct of activities located at the
Veterans Park.


The 6 members of the Veterans Park Committee are also full voting members of the Parks and Beautification Commission.


All members shall be qualified voters and residents of Florence County and will be composed of:
           4 – Honorably discharged veterans
           2 – At-large members, however if a veteran is selected to serve as an at-large member then he shall also be an honorably discharged veteran


5-year terms


This Authority performs the functions of planning, establishing, developing, constructing, enlarging, improving, maintaining, equipping, operating, regulating, protecting, and policing
such airports, air navigation, railroad and other facilities as are recommended to serve the people of the district and the public generally.


This is a nine-member Authority with two members recommended by City Council to the Governor of South Carolina for appointment.


No more than two, four-year terms.


To undertake a continuing planning program for the physical, social, and economic growth, development, and redevelopment of the area within its jurisdiction. Their duties include the
review of development proposals, annexations, zoning and rezoning requests, and text amendments to the Unified Development Ordinance.


Planning Commission is composed of 9 members.


3-year terms.


Planning Commission meets on the second Tuesday of each month. 


The Aesthetics Advisory Committee will advise City Council by working with and through the Community Redevelopment Committee of Council and the city manager on the development of programs and initiatives to facilitate the implementation of bridge building beautification projects that will connect and involve all in the community.


The Aesthetics Advisory Committee shall be comprised of 7 members appointed by city council that must reside or be employed within the city limits.


3-year terms.


The Resilience and Sustainability Advisory Committee will advise City Council by working with and through the Community Redevelopment Committee of City Council and the city manager on the development of programs and initiatives, including the development of a “Sustainability and Climate Action Plan,” which will distinguish the city as a leader in sustainability efforts.


The Resilience and Sustainability Advisory Committee shall be comprised of 9 voting members appointed by City Council


Members must reside or be employed within the city limits.

Membership on this committee will consist of:
            1 – Representative from a local energy company
            1 – Representative from a local university or college
            3 – Representatives from conservation or environmental organizations
            1 – Representative from each Council District in the City of Florence
            1 – Layperson, resident of the City


3-year terms.


The Public Safety Citizen’s Review Board shall receive and review internal complaints from uniformed employees about policies, practices, and procedures in the public safety departments. The Board shall also receive and review external complaints about uniformed employees of the public safety departments.


The Public Safety Citizen’s Review Board will consist of 7 voting members appointed by City Council and 2 non-voting participant representatives of the uniformed employees from all public safety departments selected by the city manager.


Each member must be a person who resides in the city, is at least 21 years of age, and has sound judgement and good moral character. Each member must complete the Police Department’s Citizens Police Academy and a curriculum for the purpose of becoming familiar with fire departmental operations and policies.


4-year terms.