City Plans

The City of Florence Comprehensive Plan is a policy document that plans for and guides future development and redevelopment. South Carolina State Law mandates that a comprehensive plan be updated every ten years to determine what has been accomplished and whether the City is heading in the intended direction, or if changes need to be made.

In 2020, the Planning Department is working to update the 2010 Comprehensive Plan. Through the course of the year, the process includes updating the plan with realistic goals and strategies using extensive citizen input on topics like housing and neighborhood revitalization, community character and appearance, urban growth, economic development, transportation modes, and downtown renewal. At the beginning of 2020, the plan was to hold numerous focus group sessions, community workshops, and citizen group meetings to define what Florence citizens value and need in order to enhance their quality of life. Unfortunately the situation with Covid-19 interfered with those in-person meetings. The Planning Department is holding a number of online meetings with interested residents, and the hope is that we can host in-person meetings before the deadlines for the Comprehensive Plan occur.

In addition to the Comprehensive Plan, the City has a number of other plans available below.